
Share your study abroad aspirations with us. We’ll make it happen.

Score Improvement Guarantee*
We guarantee that you will get a higher
test score upto 250 points.
Quality Content & Delivery
Content pedagogy for classroom & online is designed to maximize results.
Expert Instructors & Counsellors
Choose the perfect overseas destination for a fruitful career.
Cutting - Edge Technology
Our efficient tools for you to focus
& utilize the time effectively.
Maximise Your Potential
With a Global Degree

Study at top ranked UK Universities.

Score Improvement Guarantee*
We guarantee that you will get a higher
test score upto 250 points.
Quality Content & Delivery
Content pedagogy for classroom & online is designed to maximize results.
Expert Instructors & Counsellors
Choose the perfect overseas destination for a fruitful career.
Cutting - Edge Technology
Our efficient tools for you to focus
& utilize the time effectively.

Like you, a remarkable number of international students from across the world, from diverse backgrounds, have achieved their international education goals successfully through us. Our ethical, accurate & friendly guidance in the last 10 years has been the recipe. Now, it’s your turn. Tell us your dreams, we will get you there.

Globally Recognized Qualifications, Scholarships & Bursaries

Study in Australia

Qualification recognized worldwide, Scholarships & fee wavier

Study in UK

Merit based Scholarships, & Assistance & Numerous Study Choices

Study in US

Immigration Friendly Country, Job Focus Courses & Post Study Work Permit

Study in Canada

Though we have all the information necessary for the study abroad journey, it’s our four pillars of guidance that set us apart. The pillars that make the journey easy for you! Your preferences, your profile and your grades. That’s all it needs. Yes! We use an algorithm equipped with our experience and expertise to tailor-make a list of ideal universities for your abroad education.

The Council of Counsel

The Council of Counsel

A group of experienced and enthusiastic people bringing their best counsel to you to fulfill their sole aim of making your overseas education journey simple and effective.
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 Fellow dreamer

Fellow dreamer

They are focused, ambitious and unique just like you! With dreams like yours, they are excited to share tips and tricks to search for the best countries, courses, universities.
The All-knowing Alumni

The All-knowing Alumni

Students who have 'been there, done that with New Ambition' are here for you! they bring information that will take you the extra mile in the study abroad process.
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We know you’re one of a kind, that’s why we understand your dreams to make our guidance personalized. Throughout the study abroad journey. we’ll make sure your priorities.
The Test That opens door around the world

The Test That opens door around the world

The international English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration, with over 3.5 million tests taken in the past year. The IELTS test is trusted by over 10,000 organizations, including universities, professional bodies, employers and migration authorities.

  • Improve 4 skills IELTS: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

    Improve 4 skills IELTS: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

  • Have Pre-test: Speaking and Writing

    Have Pre-test: Speaking and Writing

  • Take Mock test and feedback from our IELTS specialists

    Take Mock test and feedback from our IELTS specialists

  • You will get an objective assessment of your English language abilities

    You will get an objective assessment of your English language abilities

  • You will get a certification that is widely recognised.

    You will get a certification that is widely recognised.

  • You will improve your English language skills.

    You will improve your English language skills.

  • You will gain a better knowledge of the English that you need.

    You will gain a better knowledge of the English that you need.

  • You will be motivated to study harder because you’ll have a clear goal.

    You will be motivated to study harder because you’ll have a clear goal.

Like you, a remarkable number of international students from across the world, from diverse backgrounds, have achieved their international education goals successfully through us. Our ethical, accurate & friendly guidance in the last 10 years has been the recipe. Now, it’s your turn. Tell us your dreams, we will get you there.

Common Business Manners in Australia

Before doing business in Australia, you must know these common business manners. Here are some manners you should know.

Popular Part-time Jobs for Students in Australia

Before doing business in Australia, you must know these common business manners. Here are some manners you should know.

10 Basic Australian Etiquette You Need to Know

Before doing business in Australia, you must know these common business manners. Here are some manners you should know.

Hey, we’d like to know you better too!

Hey, we’d like to know you better too!

We represent top universities and educational institutions around the world and offer end-to-end counselling to students seeking overseas education.
If you are keen on international education, we are here to make it happen for you!

Bringing your international education dreams to life!

At New Ambition, all our professionals are highly experienced in overseas education and hold appropriate qualifications for effective education counselling.

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(+61)-45942 3123

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8 Buick Crescent, Mill Park, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3082

Copyright 2022 @ New Ambitions International Careers & Education. All Rights Reserved


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